RRISD Parent & Family Seminar: Earning College Credit in High School | November 5, 2019
Round Rock ISD is hosting a Future Readiness Parent Seminar entitled “How to Earn College Credit in High School” for parents with their 8th – 12th graders on Tuesday, November 5, 2019 from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm at Deerpark Middle School

Understanding the most appropriate educational pathway for your student can be overwhelming. Learn about the different programs that offer students the opportunity to earn college credit during high school. These rigorous programs can provide financial benefits and give your student a post-secondary academic advantage. Find out more about college readiness assessments (PSAT/SAT/ACT), which are required for college admission and explore resources to help your student do their best.
Presented by: Michelle Swain, RRISD Gifted and Advanced Director
Audience: Parents/Guardians and their 8th-12th grade student(s).