Round Rock Passes Bee City Resolution
In a partnership that was “meant to bee,” Round Rock City Council unanimously passed a resolution on Thursday, July 14, committing to standards to become a pollinator-friendly community through the Bee City USA initiative.
Bee City USA provides a framework for communities to come together to conserve native pollinators by providing them with a healthy habitat that is rich in a variety of native plants, provides nest sites and is protected from pesticides.
“We’re doing what a lot of cities have not been able to do, which is preserving the natural environment and the quality of life that brings, with a strong support for small businesses,” said Konrad Bouffard, CEO of Round Rock Honey.
The program requires the City of Round Rock to establish a Pollinators Committee that will host an annual educational event to showcase the City’s commitment to raising awareness of pollinator conservation, provide information to the community about the initiative on the website, develop an integrated pest management plan and develop and implement a program to create or expand pollinator-friendly habitat on public and private land.
To learn more about the Bee City USA designation, visit
Copy and image courtesy of the City of Round Rock