Round the Rock Magazine: Fall 2021
It’s our Back to School issue and it is loaded with fun ways to make Back to School fantastic!!

Back to School!! Is it really happening? Some of my friends joked they were so relieved to send their kids back to school after the “longest Spring Break EVER!” We are so looking forward to what will hopefully be a more normal-ish school year.
So to help you get closer to that normalcy, we created this issue focused on heading back to school. We have some great articles focused on academic and extra-curricular topics. We even provide a great “lunch menu” filled with all the local places to eat lunch at a locally-owned restaurant in Round Rock. Check out those mouth-watering photos.
And we encourage you to take your family to a high school football game this season. Nothing could be more “normal” than attending Friday Night Lights with the great football talent, cheerleaders, dance teams, band and excitement that fills the stadium every week. Look at the Friday Night Lights schedule and pick a date!
One of my favorite articles of the issue happens to be the profile on local dentist, Dr. Joe Murphy. Please take a moment to read his story and be encouraged by his determination to overcome a great obstacle. Then tell me your not inspired.
Lastly, I just loved the piece that one of our contributors, Addie Gross did on all the murals found in Round Rock. I encourage you to find a few yourself and post them to Instagram with the hashtag #roundrockmurals
I started Round the Rock as an online source for activities and events in the Round Rock area in 2013 when my youngest child and I got tired of always driving into Austin to find things to do. Both the website and social media channels took off and we quickly evolved into the source for what was happening in the community and an advocate for supporting local businesses. And now we have a print publication to support this as well.
So thank you for picking up this issue. We hope you enjoy the stories and hold onto it, referring to it for future ideas of Round Rock fun. And if you have a minute, tell me what you think about it. I’d really love to hear from you –
Where You Can Pick Up a Printed Issue of Round the Rock Magazine Fall 2021:
- All Round Rock, Hutto, & Georgetown H-E-Bs
- Round Rock Public Library
- Round Rock Baca Center
- Clay Madsen Center
- Mays Street Boutique
- Haute Boutique
- The Mercantile on Main
- Mi Mundo Coffeehouse
- The Yogurt Experience
- 620 Healthy Hub
- The Alcove Cantina
- The ROCK Sports Bar
- Lifetime Vision
- Wildflower Orthodontics
- Woofgang Bakery & Grooming
- Waffle Love