Texas Independence Day – March 2nd

Did you know Texas was its own country at one time?

Yep, from March 2, 1836, to February 19, 1846 when statehood was granted, Texas was known as the Republic of Texas.

What is Texas Independence Day?
Texas Independence Day commemorates the signing of the Texas Declaration of Independence on March 2, 1836. Inhabitants of Texas proclaimed independence from Mexico and established the Republic of Texas with the signing of this declaration by over 59 delegates. It shared borders with Mexico, the Republic of the Rio Grande (another Mexican breakaway republic), and the United States of America.

The declaration officially established the Republic of Texas, although it was not officially recognized at that time by any government other than itself. The Mexican Republic still claimed the land and considered the delegates to be invaders, and the United States didn’t recognize it since that would be an act of war against Mexico. Read more here.

Map of The Republic of Texas

Did you know Texas has a State song?

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