Thankful to Live in Round Rock ~ Day 22: Kawaii Ice

We are so very blessed to live in such a great city – Round Rock is unique in that it’s big enough to have everything that we need, but still has that small town feel.  Many of you know, I started Round the Rock because I wanted everyone to know and take advantage of all the fun things there are to do here in the Rock.  In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought it would be fun to reflect on 30 things that make me Thankful to live in Round Rock.

30 Reasons why I’m Thankful to live in Round Rock
Day #15: Kawaii Ice

It’s another frivolous Friday with my Thankfuls! I am loving talking about all our favorite places to get a treat in the Rock. And that list would not be complete without a shaved ice from Kawaii Ice!

kawaii ice

I don;t know how they make the absolute best – I mean melt in your mouth best – shaved ice I have had in Texas, but they do a GREAT job!  I haven;t been to Hawaii to compare, so others may disagree.  But when it’s 110 out, this is the best way to cool off.

We love all the variety of flavors they have to choose from and they like to have fun! Did anyone stop by during “Shark Week” last summer?? They had the most creative flavors!

Once again, it’s a locally-owned business that comes out on top for me! Another reason I am thankful to live in Round Rock!

Just a small disclosure here – I am not receiving any financial compensation to tell you what I am thankful for in Round Rock. I am simply telling you about places, objects, & opportunities that have blessed me & my family. 

Want to catch up on the 30 Reasons I am Thankful to Live in Round Rock?

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