Thankful to Live in Round Rock ~ Day 21: Round Rock Dog Depot

We are so very blessed to live in such a great city – Round Rock is unique in that it’s big enough to have everything that we need, but still has that small town feel.  Many of you know, I started Round the Rock because I wanted everyone to know and take advantage of all the fun things there are to do here in the Rock.  In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought it would be fun to reflect on 30 things that make me Thankful to live in Round Rock.

30 Reasons why I’m Thankful to live in Round Rock
Day #21: Round Rock Dog Park

Did you know that we have a dedicated Dog Park in Round Rock??  I didn’t until I stumbled upon it last Spring while I was looking for a differnt park.  If I owned a bog dog, I would be here all the time!

Dog Park
The Round Rock Dog Depot is fancy! And it’s HUGE.  It’s the perfect place to take your dogs and let them run.  I have a friend who goes often and he says it’s also a great place to meet other great dog owners too.  In fact, he does a lot of networking there!

RR Dog Park 2

Beyond all the benefits of our community having a dog park, it really is a nice park to use & take advantage of, with several runs & obstacles. There are differnt lots – for the small, medium, and large dogs.

RR Dog Park 3

Again, we are living in a community that has the foresight to provide places like this for our furry friends.  Not every city puts forth land specifically for dogs and I think that’s pretty cool.  Another reason I am Thankful to Live in Round Rock.

Just a small disclosure here – I am not receiving any financial compensation to tell you what I am thankful for in Round Rock. I am simply telling you about places, objects, & opportunities that have blessed me & my family. 

Want to catch up on the 30 Reasons I am Thankful to Live in Round Rock?

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