Tommie Huffman Photography

Do you guys hate having professional pictures done??  I don’t mean hate, but dread the work that goes into them?  I do.  Which is why I haven’t had them done in a long time.  Case in point – My youngest went around the house a few months ago asking “where he was?” in all our family portraits.  He’s 4 y’all.  Think I need to have them updated??

So a few months ago, I reached out to a new photographer in town, Tommie Huffman, and asked for her help. She did more than just help – she made it a really enjoyable experience.

You see, the dread for me comes with planning what to wear – I know it sounds ridiculous but this momma is not a fashionista.  And when it comes to planning coordinating outfits for 5, I mentally shut-down.  I explained this to Tommie – told her our photo shoot was in her hands – plan something fun!  And she did.

Right away she sent me an email with pictures of ideas of what to wear for family shots.  Gone are the days of denim and white (thank goodness!).  Just having a visual reference was all I needed and I knocked out our outfits in one afternoon. Score Number 1 for Tommie.

Tommie did say she had a “fun idea” for out family – a color fight – and to wear some outfits we wouldn’t mind getting dirty in (more on this later – as this was my favorite part!).

We met on a Sunday morning at the end of May. It was a beautiful morning – with a little bit of coolness to the air.  Everyone looked great and I was having a good hair day (another stressor to these portraits y’all!). We settled down to snap some photos in front of these gorgeous wildflowers.  All seemed to be going perfect.

Until the 4 year old decided not to cooperate.  He wanted donuts.   He covered his face, crossed his arms and snarled at Tommie.  UGH.  Tommie handled it all with grace – coaxed my little monster out of his shell and even managed to get smiles out of him.  Score Number 2 for Tommie.

Now we were ready to have fun.  After changing into our messy clothes, Tommie poured color dust into each of our hands and told us to go to town.

Oh my gosh y’all – that was so much fun!!  Even my husband and kids said they loved it.  And after looking at my proofs, I have a whole set of photos of my family of 5 playing and laughing naturally with each other.  It was such a fun way to capture all of us.  Score Number 3 for Tommie. 

Tommie sent us our previews that afternoon and they were AWESOME – so I knew when our proofs cam back we were going to love them.  And that we did.  Originally, I picked Tommie because she had such a unique style – it’s as if she picks a location and style based on the individual she is shooting.  She took my sweet family and put us in a gorgeous background for the more formal shots. And then she did something completely different to capture us in a more relaxed, family atmosphere.  I loved it.

As I mentioned, Tommie is new to the Round Rock area and is building her business here.  But she is not new to photography, as you can see with her online portfolio.  She specializes in Families and Seniors.  And she has some stunning Senior Portraits:

She is encouraging all Seniors to have their photos done before school starts, because once it does, you get incredibly busy.

And she has this adorable engagement shot that I had to show y’all too:

If you are dreading getting your family portraits taken, call Tommie – she will walk you through every step – even make it an enjoyable experience.  Now, I just need to find someone to help me narrow down my favorites…..

Tommie Huffman Photography can be found online here:
Or you can follow her work on Facebook:

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