Where is the Round Rock in Round Rock, Texas?
The Round Rock
There is a Round Rock! And it’s majestic, big, and, well, round. We certainly see why this rock would stand out as a marker on the Chisholm Trail for traveling pioneers. We love its simplicity and that Round Rock is named after such a landmark. Having a place to vist and “see” where our name came from is pretty cool. Maybe it’s just us, but we feel proud driving by that big old rock. It just adds to the long list of reasons of why we love living in Round Rock.

History comes alive at the round rock. You can just imagine Native Americans and Settlers crossing over the Brushy Creek at this low-water crossing and coming upon our round rock.
On any given day, you will find folks clambering up to sit on top of our famous rock. When the waters are down, it’s a fun place to explore in the creek. No matter how many times we have seen the wagon ruts, they are still one of the coolest thing to see.

“When I first moved here, someone told me there was an actual round rock the city was named after. I didn’t believe them. Seriously? Someone got pretty creative and named the area after a rock? Yeah, right. It took me six months of driving down Chisholm Trail until I realized I had been driving past said rock almost every day.” – Rebecca Darling, Founder of Round the Rock
Where is the Round Rock?
Map to the Round Rock here.
Yes, it looks solid but I don’t know if people should be allowed on the Round Rock. It only takes one careless jump or hanging on the edge to break it.
We hear you! We need our Round Rock intact.