Connecting Round Rock: Champions for Seniors – Senior Access

Describe your mission and the work that focuses on seniors.
The Senior Access mission is to provide free transportation and support services to older adults 60 and above. These services allow seniors to age in place and remain independent in their homes longer.
What is your favorite part about the work your organization does?
The people I meet are definitely my favorite part. I have met World War II veterans, teachers who were the first special needs teachers, and many others. As we age, we have stories and legacies. Learning from their past experiences has given me hope and showed me that we have so many wonderful role models around us.

What is one challenge your organization faces?
The biggest challenge is keeping up with the growth of volunteers. Since COVID, volunteers have decreased, but our number of clients has increased. Finding drivers, senior buddies, and people who want to work with the senior population has become a significant challenge.
How is your organization preparing for Fall/Winter?
Our Biggest fundraiser of the year is December 8, 2024. We host a Choral Concert (Mistletoe Magic). This is an event where local congregation choirs come together and sing. The ending is the beautiful combined chorus of the Hallelujah Chorus. Attending is free, but we obtain sponsorships and have a love offering during the event. Another event we are collecting items to give to our seniors during our December Holiday party. We have about 100 seniors who attended this event and gave them a little gift. These are things like socks, gloves, candles, and HEB cards. This gives the senior a little happiness for the holidays.

How can Round Rock (and the surrounding areas) support your organization?
The best way to support Senior Access is to give your time to volunteer. Sign up to drive a senior to their doctor’s appointment or visit a senior in their home. Seniors feel more comfortable riding with an individual who has been trained.
We also need donations. The cost of our vans, which provide group rides to local stores, has significantly increased. Insurance has risen by over 50%, and fuel prices are up. Your donations can help ease the financial stress of these expenses.
Anything else you would like to share?
Senior Access is the easiest volunteer opportunity you can make. After training, you sign up for a ride when you want to. There is no pressure. You look at our calendar and assign yourself. The best part is you meet amazing and thankful seniors. This volunteer opportunity is a perfect way to bring your children or grandchildren with you. Our seniors absolutely adore interacting with children.

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