Intro to Dungeons and Dragons (ages 12-18) | February 2019

Heard of the role playing game Dungeons and Dragons and would like to learn how to play?  We will meet on Thursday evenings, in the Library Gallery, as a small group with our volunteer Michael who will take us through the basics of how to get started!  We will offer a series of events every month.  Join us on February 2 and 16, 2019 a from 12:00 – 4:00 PM or every Thursday from 5:30 – 8:00 pm. *Preregistration is required.

Heard of the role playing game and would like to learn how to play?  We will meet on Thursday evenings, in the Teen Room, as a small group with our volunteer Michael who will take us through the basics of how to get started!  We will offer a series of 4 events every month.

The core of Dungeons and Dragons is storytelling. Role-playing games have encouraged youth and adults to flex their creativity since Dungeons and Dragons was first published in 1974. A group of friends tells a story together, guiding your heroes through quests, battles and rescues.

Michael, will be the Dungeon Master taking the role of lead storyteller, listening to the players’ choices for their characters, interpreting the dice roles, and playing all of the monsters and other characters in the story.

 Join us every Thursday in February, 5:30-8:00 PM.  The dates are as follows:

  • 2/7
  • 2/14
  • 2/21
  • 2/28

This will be PREREGISTRATION ONLY and will open will open on Thursday January 19 at 12:00 PM. When registering it will be for the 4 dates above.Please note we will start with a small group of just 7 participants, and may add more spots in coming months if this becomes popular!

Eventbrite -  Intro to Dungeons and Dragons (February series) (teens only ages 12-18)

Our volunteer Michael, will be the Dungeon Master taking the role of lead storyteller, listening to the players’ choices for their characters, interpreting the dice roles, and playing all of the monsters and other characters in the story.

Thank you to Rogues Gallery Comic and Games for being a sponsor and providing us with dice.

This will be registration ONLY and will open on Saturday January 19 at 12:00 PM. When registering this will be for the 2 dates above and registration will close on February 1 at 12:00 pm. Please note we will start with a small group of just 7 participants, and may add more spots in coming months if this becomes popular!

Eventbrite - Intro to Dungeons and Dragons (February series) (teens only ages 12-18)

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