RRISD Parent & Family Seminar: What is Gifted Education? | October 29, 2019
Round Rock ISD is hosting a Future Readiness Parent Seminar entitled What is Gifted Education? for parents with their 8th – 12th graders on Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at Deerpark Middle School and Tuesday October 29, 2019 at Hernandez Middle School from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm . Advance registration is required.

Learn about Gifted Education in RRISD, identification requirements, referrals, testing process, and the instructional opportunities and other services designed to meet the unique needs of students with significantly advanced general intellectual ability and/or specific subject matter aptitude.
Presented by: Raine Maggio, RRISD Gifted and Advanced Coordinator
Audience: Parents/Guardians of K-12th grade students