Thankful to Live in Round Rock ~ Day 16: Teachers of Round Rock

We are so very blessed to live in such a great city – Round Rock is unique in that it’s big enough to have everything that we need, but still has that small town feel.  Many of you know, I started Round the Rock because I wanted everyone to know and take advantage of all the fun things there are to do here in the Rock.  In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought it would be fun to reflect on 30 things that make me Thankful to live in Round Rock.

30 Reasons why I’m Thankful to live in Round Rock
Day #16: Teachers of Round Rock

Growing up, my parents were both teachers – I saw the good and the bad – therefore, I was bound and determined to NOT become a teacher.  I just honestly don’t have the patience for it.  But there are some wonderful men & women here in Round Rock that do.  And they are incredible teachers.

We have been a part of the Round Rock ISD for almost 6 years now and we have been so blessed to have had some amazing teachers.  I tear up thinking about the impact some have had on my children’s lives.  I hear countless stories of teachers staying late for their kids, going above & beyond to make sure their classroom is a fun learning environment.

Most recently, I was a part of a very fun learning environment that had an entire class of second graders excited and on fire!
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The Patsy Sommer Elementary School second grade teachers challenged their children to learn more about Round Rock.  Teams had to pick a Round Rock landmark, visit it, and then teach everyone else about it – be the “tour guide” of the landmark.
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They visited everything from Downtown Round Rock to the Dell Diamond, to Lone Star Bakery.  The results were AMAZING!!
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When they presented their projects, they were excited to tell me everything they had learned but I was more impressed with how well they portrayed their landmarks – they put a ton of effort into these projects.
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But who motivated them – got them excited about learning??  Their TEACHERS!  As a daughter of teachers, I know how hard of a job that can be.  I know the sacrifice that most teachers make – to make a difference in childrens’ lives. And I am humbled by that.
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My hats off to you – Teachers of Round Rock! From the adorable pre-school teachers to the administrators.  My thanks for all that you do to make learning fun!! How is this not a reason to be thankful to live in Round Rock?  

Just a small disclosure here – I am not receiving any financial compensation to tell you what I am thankful for in Round Rock. I am simply telling you about places, objects, & opportunities that have blessed me & my family. 

Want to catch up on the 30 Reasons I am Thankful to Live in Round Rock?

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