Thankful to Live in Round Rock ~ Day 15: The Yogurt Experience

We are so very blessed to live in such a great city – Round Rock is unique in that it’s big enough to have everything that we need, but still has that small town feel.  Many of you know, I started Round the Rock because I wanted everyone to know and take advantage of all the fun things there are to do here in the Rock.  In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought it would be fun to reflect on 30 things that make me Thankful to live in Round Rock.

30 Reasons why I’m Thankful to live in Round Rock
Day #15: The Yogurt Experience

It’s Friday, so I’m allowed to be a little frivolous with my thankfuls, right?

Our family loves dessert.  And we love to find unique places to have dessert.  One of our favorites is The Yogurt Experience.
The Yogurt Experience
Everyone gets exactly what they want – cake batter & peanut butter cups with a sprinkle of cereal for my son, chocolate and every candy bar imaginable for my daughter, strawberry & fruit for my husband and me – I go for the seasonal choices!  They always have an interesting flavor – this summer it was marshmallow, so I made a ‘smores.  Right now they have pumpkin – YUM!

I got to know the owners this past year and I was so impressed with their story (read more here).  This brother & sister team give back to our community every chance they can with Spirit Nights for local schools and sports teams (donating a portion of their profits), going out in the community in their trailer, and donating gift certificates at non-for-profit events.  This little yogurt shop gives back to you!  And that is one of the many reasons I am Thankful that The Yogurt Experience is in Round Rock.  

Just a small disclosure here – I am not receiving any financial compensation to tell you what I am thankful for in Round Rock. I am simply telling you about places, objects, & opportunities that have blessed me & my family. 

Want to catch up on the 30 Reasons I am Thankful to Live in Round Rock?

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