2024 Summer Camp Guide

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Looking for ways to keep your kids engaged with fun learning activities this summer? Scouring the web for quality programming that you and your littles will love? We understand the struggle and have some good news for you!

We’ve reached out to over 100 organizations in an effort to gather information about their summer camps. The camps who chose to list their details with us can be found in our 2024 Summer Camp Guide. So, sit back with your beverage of choice and browse through the amazing camps that want to connect with you. We hope you find a camp that is perfect for your family.

You can select from these categories:

Benefits of Camp

According to the American Camp Association (ACA), camp provides children with a community of caring adults who nurture experiential education that results in self-respect and appreciation for human value. All of the outcomes — self-identity, self-worth, self-esteem, leadership, and self-respect — build personal competencies. These personal competencies are reflected in the four “C’s” of the camp community: compassion, contribution, commitment, and character! For years, campers’ parents have reported that when their children return home from camp, they are more caring, understand the importance of giving, are more equipped to stand up for what they know is right, and are willing to be more responsible. These are the qualities that will help build a successful nation and a civil society. The high-level benefits and anticipated outcomes of a camp experience are social skills development, self-respect and character building, and community living/service skills. Learn more here.

Check out our calendar and add even more adventure to your summer.
Wishing everyone a safe, fun, and exciting summer!
The Round the Rock Team

Interested in listing camp(s) in the Guide? Check out our 2024 Packages here.

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