Educators’ Day at TechShop | November 5, 2016

TechShop Austin-Round Rock is hosting an Open House on Friday, November 5, 2016 from 5:00 – 8:30 pm for local educators, librarians, and individuals who work with youth and young adults. Those who work within a makerspace or within an institution that is in the process of developing a makerspace are encouraged to attend to learn more about how TechShop and our Education and STEAM Coordinators can support you. Anyone interested should attend and help contribute ideas!

Educators' Day at TechShopWhy you should attend…

During the Open House, we will give you a guided tour with activities that will leave you inspired, a short presentation about the programs we offer, and conclude with a roundtable discussion and survey to see what the

needs are in the community and schools.

Each participant will leave with a box of treats made here at TechShop that can be used in your classroom!

Who should attend?

Teachers, librarians, principals, parents, homeschool teachers, technology educators, STEAM directors, higher education teachers, and anyone interested in helping support schools and young makers. 

Seats are limited. Registration is required.  You can register HERE

Two sessions to choose from:

Session 1: 5:30PM – 7:00PM

Session 2: 7:00PM – 8:30PM\

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