Making Easter Special in Round Rock

Easter is going to look a little different this year since we are all at home, so I thought it would be helpful to bring together all the “events” and helpful tips to make Easter this year special for you & your family.
Take a look at the below articles and events that are happening this week to help make Easter special. You can find where you can pick up a fully made Easter Dinner, a flashlight “virtual” Egg Hunt, ideas to put together a creative Easter Basket and more!
As we find more ideas happening in the community, we will add it to the list below.
Virtual Community Flashlight Egg Hunt
Join your Round Rock Parks & Recreation Team and the Easter Bunny for a VIRTUAL CommUNITY Flashlight Egg Hunt on Facebook LIVE Thursday, April 9 at 7:45pm. We’re delivering FREE egg hunt kits to the first 200 families who register at . You can also use your own supplies and tune in LIVE for the Easter Bunny to kick off the event! We’re going to come together as a commUNITY and hunt at the same time! More information at

Easter Dinner
We found all the restaurants that are making a special Easter Dinner for you to order. I would suggest you order one sooner than later!

Online Easter Services
Many Round Rock churches have gone virtual, so make sure you “attend” a service online this Sunday.

Online Easter Basket Ideas
With shopping limited these days, here are a few fun ideas of things you can order from Amazon, Walmart or Target to put in your kids’ basket this year.

Easter Activities
On our sister site, we wrote an article last year about fun Easter activities you can do with your family – most don’t involve many supplies, so you can do them easily!
Check out the activities here.

Create a Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt
Encourage your neighborhood to draw & color eggs on paper and hang them in a front window, so there are many “eggs” to find. Then the kids can find eggs on a walk around the neighborhood!
Grow Your Own Easter Eggs
Plant some jelly beans in the flower beds or in the backyard the night before Easter. Parents can replace them with large colored eggs over night. Imagine the kids suppose to see they have grown eggs!