Way to Help People in Assisted Living

Volunteering may require some outside-the-box thinking right now, however, there are still ways to show those in assisted living they are cared for.

For example, maybe you know someone currently residing in assisted living, or maybe you have just felt a calling to reach out to this segment of the population? Whatever your reason, we’ve put together some suggestions on ways you can bring joy to these amazing folks!

**Please note that is important to reach out directly to any facility you are interested in helping. Above all, please follow all current Covid protocols and procedures. These may differ between facilities**

Organizing a landscaping beautification project:

Sexton High Beautification Project | Projects, Outdoor decor, Outdoor
Photo Credit: Lansing State Journal

Inquire if the facility has a garden or outdoor sitting area that could use some sprucing up. This would be a great project for any groups that you may already be a part of. Such as Scouts, Church, or Community Groups. In addition, talk with the facility and come up with a plan. Having freshly planted flowers to look at can really lift someone’s mood!

Sharing your talent:

Photo Credit: Westminister Facebook

Do you have a musical talent to share? Live music is a wonderful way to bring joy and smiles to the faces of those in assisted living. Contacting your local facility to determine if they are allowing visitors inside and making arrangements is essential.

Writing a letter or color a picture:

Receiving a letter or colored picture in the mail is sure to lift the mood of any recipient! If you don’t know anyone specific to mail to, no worries. The facility will find the perfect person to share your special parcel with.

Hosting a Supply Drive:

Firstly, contact a nearby facility to find out if there are items they are needing. Secondly, work together to organize a collection drive letting donors know where their goods will be used.

Showing some love to the employees:

NATIONAL ASSISTED LIVING WEEK - September 12-18, 2021 | National Today
Photo Credit: National Today

Certainly, assisted living employees work hard caring for those who are no longer able to fully care for themselves. Therefore, why not reach out to the front desk and see if you drop off some goodies for people who work in this special line of work.

Celebrate National Assisted Living Week Sept. 12 – 18:

National Assisted Living Week 2021-American Health Care Association

NALW provides a unique opportunity for residents, their loved ones, staff, volunteers, and local communities to recognize the role of assisted living in caring for America’s seniors and individuals with disabilities. The annual
observance encourages assisted living communities to offer events and activities to celebrate the individuals they serve, and help to educate members of the public about this important aspect of long-term care.

Support an organization hosting a holiday gift drive:

Be a Santa to a Senior Holiday Gift Drive | Maple Grove

As the holiday season draws near, keep an eye out for organizations like Be a Santa to a Senior . They will be organizing gift drives for seniors and others living in assisted living.

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In short, we hope these ideas encourage you to think about how you might make a difference in the life of someone living in assisted living!

Where to Volunteer in Round Rock

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