10 Fun Things to do at a Round Rock Express Game
Attending a Round Rock Express game is so much more than just watching a baseball game. There are so many fun places to watch the game from, food to enjoy and experiences to be had…..all within the price of a game ticket!
Here are 10 Fun Things to do at a Round Rock Express Game
1. Enjoy Jack Allen’s Kitchen at the Ballpark: One of Round Rock’s favorite restaurants (Voted BEST new restaurant in Round Rock) has opened in the Intel Club at the Dell Diamond. For a small fee, you can watch the game from the air-conditiond Club Intel and enjoy a modified Jack Allen’s menu . Keep in mind, you still need game tickets.

2. New Concessions: You can hardly call the food at Dell Diamond “concessions” anymore though. With BBQ from Elgin, gourmet hotdogs, and gluten free deli options, dining at Del Diamond has become a treat. Set up in “themed” storefronts, there are so many options, you can go to every ball game and have different meal each time. Each time we go, I have a hard time choosing. But for the record, the street tacos at Rojo’s Southwest Hideaway are amazing.
3. Have a flight at the Beer Garden: Enjoy a flight of beer and play a game of corn hole before the game begins in the new Beer Garden. Located just below the party porch in the left outfield, this is a fun meeting place to relax before a game.
4. Round Rock Mural: And while you are over there, make sure to take a picture in front of the new Round Rock Mural! Tweet it to me – I want to see! (@roundtherocktx)
5. Theme Nights & Concerts: Round Rock Express are hosting some fun theme night & concerts. Did you see all the fun they had with Star Wars Night? Check out the 80’s night with a concert by the Spazmatics on Saturday, July 19, 2014!
6. Friday FIREWORKS!: The fireworks were moved a little closer to the stadium this year, due to building going on in the field behind the,. But I think it makes for an awesome show with them right above your head!! Every Friday game, upon completing, a themed fireworks show complete with music takes place. And y’all, they are awesome!
7. Kid’s Area: If the kids don’t want to watch the game, head on over to the play area and let them run on the playscape, climb the rock wall, or jump on the bungee. Kids can’t be left unsupervised, so there are concessions on this side of that side of the field and you can still see the game.
8. Try different seats: Watch the game from multiple places and get a different perspective each time! From the berm seats in the outfield, to the rocking chairs (get there early to grab one), there are so many ways to watch the game now. I really like the 4-tops that you can reserve – comes with wait staff to get your beer & food. Never miss a play this way!
9. Don’t miss the Fun Promos: My kids love all the games that get played between innings. And here’s an insider’s tip – if you find the Express Party Patrol when you first get to the game, they are looking for volunteers to play! Why not try your hand at the dizzy bat race??
10. Give Spike a High Five: One of the best mascots in Texas, Spike is always around for pictures, autographs and to dance with. My 5 year old is obsessed with Spike – must find him at every game and even wrote him a letter once (of course he “let” my son run on the field for his birthday…..). Spike is usually wandering around all game but you can definitely find him at his doghouse (by the Railyard Store) at the bottom of the 3rd inning.
With a little less than 2 months left of the season, there are plenty of opportunities to get out and cheer on the Express. ‘Cause all this fun wouldn;t be there with out our great team! Make sure you support them! Tickets are available here.
And don’t forget, the Round Rock Express are a part of our Instagram Summer Challenge. You can actually win 4 tickets to a game by completely 40 of the 50 Things to do in Round Rock!! Details are here.