Local Restaurants in Round Rock: Mexican

What a year it has been to be a local restaurant in Round Rock, Texas. Or anywhere for that matter. Some would argue that this has been the toughest year to own a mom & pop, brick and mortar, business – especially restaurants. 

So as a local restaurant owner, I am asking you to please dine at local restaurants to help us get back on our feet. Many restaurants – MANY – have had to close their doors or take out loans to stay open. To many, a “successful month” now means they can pay their rent.

I thought it would be a great idea to create a list of local restaurants in Round Rock. And on this list, I have included:
– locally-owned restaurants 
– brick & mortar restaurants (not out of your home)
– not franchises
– restaurants in Round Rock

And how can you help these local restaurants?

  1. Purchase Gift Cards 
  2. Support them ONLINE by writing a Yelp or Google review
  3. Support their SOCIAL MEDIA by liking a few of their posts and leaving a comment
  4. Support them with curbside or in-dining over choosing a chain restaurant

Local Restaurants in Round Rock

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