Round Rock ISD District Narrows Focus on Middle School Attendance Areas
Round Rock ISD will continue its review for middle school attendance area changes considering updates to Cedar Valley, Chisholm Trail, Deerpark, and Walsh middle schools for the 2017-18 school year.
The District hosted its first meeting September 15, 2016, concerning the attendance area changes for middle school with the opening of Pearson Ranch Middle School in August 2017.
After evaluating its consultant’s report that accounted for safety, growth, and demographics, the District determined it will not be considering changes that impact Canyon Vista, C.D. Fulkes, Grisham, Hernandez, or Hopewell, and Ridgeview middle schools. Its focus will be on relieving overcrowding at Cedar Valley and Walsh, which could impact Chisholm Trail. It will continue to consider a change to Deerpark Middle School to align the Joe Lee Johnson STEAM and Wells Branch Arts Integration Academies.
Our public hearings to discuss possible changes at Cedar Valley, Chisholm Trail, and Walsh are 7:30 p.m. in the following cafeterias:
- September 21 at Cedar Valley;
- September 28 at Chisholm Trail; and
- September 29 at Walsh.
Changes to attendance areas will be limited to middle schools and will not include elementary or high schools. Students will continue to attend their assigned elementary and high schools as currently zoned.
After collecting public feedback on the demographer’s proposal, the District will present its administrative recommendation at the October 20 regular meeting before the Board votes on that recommendation at its November 17 regular meeting.As the District continues to plan for a possible bond election in May 2017, it will consider a 12th middle school for property to alleviate overcrowding in its eastside middle schools.
As the District continues to plan for a possible bond election in May 2017, it will consider a 12th middle school for property to alleviate overcrowding in its east-side middle schools.
Additional Resources
- Policy for changing attendance areas is in Board Policy FC (Local).
- Please review the District’s 2015-16 Final Demographics Report.
- Please share feedback by completing a form.
- Video archive of September 15, 2016, Board Meeting