Craft Brews and Fu Manchus Supporting the Movember Foundation | November 18, 2017

Bluebonnet Beer Company is hosting Craft Brews and Fu Manchus Supporting the Movember Foundation on Saturday, November 18, 2017 from 5:00 – 8:00 pm. Come raise a glass while raising awareness for a good cause! Show off that sweet mustache you’ve been growing this month and possibly save a bro! 

Movember is a movement to bring awareness to men’s health and cancer and to the fact that many of us are dudes who don’t go to the doctor or talk about feelings or fears or concerns. And, as a result, many of us die way too early. We are, however, dudes who drink beer and chat about craft beer styles and sports while enjoying the weather. 

Saturday, November 18, let’s change that narrative! Swing by the brewery and drink a pint with a buddy and talk about your health (along with the sports chatter and enjoying the weather). Challenge one another to get to an annual check-up and commit to holding one another accountable. Ladies, come support the men in your life – if they won’t make that doc appt., we will pressure them, too!

Proceeds from this event will benefit the Movember Foundation which is helping men live healthier, happier, longer lives. They’re tackling some of the most significant health issues faced by men: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, poor mental health and physical inactivity.

Let’s have a pint and strike up some conversations! No ‘stache required!

*In honor of one of our very best friends.

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