2022 Light Up the Lake is this Weekend
ROUND ROCK, WE HAVE A MAP! SO MANY #festivities will be happening at Light Up the Lake ALL THE WAY AROUND Bright Lake at Old Settlers Park! Click for more info: roundrocktexas.gov/lightupthelake and to download the festival map click here: Light Show (Friday Dec. 2 at 6:15pm countdown with the Mayor and Council Members at the Main Stage) PLUS there’s #concerts, Santa’s Village, #candy Land, #Holidays Over Yonder (live band at Yonders), Tribute to #Heroes #BlueSanta, #mystical Meadows, #Bright Wood Forest, #Country Christmas with a #yulelog and more! Then we do it again Saturday Dec. 3!
NO TICKETS REQUIRED! NO ADMISSION FEE! NO PARKING FEE! Join us for the annual Light Up the Lake, a 2-day holiday festival around the lake and festival area at Old Settlers Park on Fri, December 2, and Sat, December 3 starting nightly from 6:00pm – 9:30pm. (Lighting of the lake lights will occur at 6:30pm)

Pic and copy courtesy of the Round Rock Parks and Recreation Department
My family and I just attended Light Up the Lake this evening, and I felt compelled to comment upon how disappointed we all were with the event. There was no creativity or aesthetic sensibility to the light installations, which were apparently put together in the laziest and least evocative configuration imaginable. We spent more time in traffic than we did at the event, and we saw everything there was to see there twice. There were, simply, far too many people there. There was no time or opportunity to take in or reflect upon any of the light installations, and no real reason to stop, reflect, or comment on anything. It all felt very cynical and pointless.
My suggestion to the event organizers is to charge at least a marginal entrance fee; even a minor surcharge (and the resulting barrier to entry) will ensure a higher quality event overall, both in the form of a greater budget for design, and in cutting down on the teeming swaths of people.