Thankful to Live in Round Rock ~ Day 27: Round Rock Water Tower

We are so very blessed to live in such a great city – Round Rock is unique in that it’s big enough to have everything that we need, but still has that small town feel.  Many of you know, I started Round the Rock because I wanted everyone to know and take advantage of all the fun things there are to do here in the Rock.  In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought it would be fun to reflect on 30 things that make me Thankful to live in Round Rock.
30 Reasons why I’m Thankful to live in Round Rock
Day #27: Round Rock Water Tower
So why on earth am I thankful for a watertower??
RR Water Tower 1
Our downtown watertower is a symbol to me – The old watertower serves to this day as a Round Rock Landmark that was one of the original water towers for Round Rock.  During the 1930s, it was part of a large WPA project that not only served most of the residents of Round Rock with water and sewer hookups, but it also allowed many people “down on their luck” to work.
Today, it is a beacon for Round Rock – our downtown landscape wouldn’t look the same without it.  And it’s presence makes our cityscape unique.
It welcomes residents home now as it did many years ago.
And one of my favorite things about having our watertower?  How our City dresses it up for holidays! Don’t you just love the lights that can be seen for miles?? It’s a fun addition to our town and another reason I am Thankful to live in Round Rock!

Just a small disclosure here – I am not receiving any financial compensation to tell you what I am thankful for in Round Rock. I am simply telling you about places, objects, & opportunities that have blessed me & my family. 

Want to catch up on the 30 Reasons I am Thankful to Live in Round Rock?

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