What’s Happening this Week in Round Rock: Jan 7-13, 2019

What’s Happening in Round Rock
Adulting 101: Self Defense Class (Ages 12-18)
The Round Rock Public Library is hosting a new series designed to help teens develop life skills and knowledge to survive adulthood. They will have presenters on many topics the first Tuesday of every month from September-December. They will kick off with Premier Martial Arts in January who will offer a self-defense class on Tuesday, January 8 2019 in Meeting Room A. Teens ages 12-18 will learn about self-defense and how it applies to everyday life to better prepare them for school, college and being on their own.
Scratch Programming for Tweens
The Round Rock Public Library and Fun 2 Learn Code will host an Scratch computer programming class for tweens (age 8-12) on Wednesday, January 9, 2019 in the Library’s first floor computer lab. *Advance registration is required.
Intro to Dungeons and Dragons (ages 12-18)
Heard of the role playing game Dungeons and Dragons and would like to learn how to play? We will meet on Thursday evenings, in the Library Gallery, as a small group with our volunteer Michael who will take us through the basics of how to get started! We will offer a series of 4 events every month. Join us every Thursday in January 2019. *Preregistration is required.
Sam Bass Theatre presents “Laundry & Bourbon & Lone Star”
Sam Bass Theatre presents “Laundry & Bourbon & Lone Star” from January 10-26, 2019.
Tinkergarten Demo Class at Family Storytime
The Round Rock Public Library welcomes Tinkergarten as a special guest to Family Storytime on Saturday, January 12, 2019. Tinkergarten focuses on play and time spent in nature as a key part of children’s social and intellectual development. This storytime session will be an demonstration of a Tinkergarten class, adapted to the library environment.