Texas Schools Closed Thru May 4

Just this afternoon, at a press conference, Governor Greg Abbott expanded his executive order. He stated that “Texans are expected to stay home unless they are doing an activity or work somewhere listed as essential. If Texans must leave their home, they must follow the “presidential standard of distancing practice.”
A list of essential businesses can be found here.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has issued an essential services order. The order would require anyone who is not considered an essential critical infrastructure worker to stay home.
The order will limit everyone who lives or works within the state of Texas to only leave home for essential activity, essential business, essential government functions and critical care functions.

Essential critical infrastructure workers work in the following fields:
- Chemical
- Commercial facilities
- Communications
- Critical manufacturing
- Dams
- Defense industrial base
- Emergency services
- Energy
- Financial
- Food and agriculture
- Government facilities
- Health care and public health
- Information technology
- Nuclear reactors, materials, and waste
- Transportations systems
- Water
The governor said the order is enforceable by any law enforcement officer in the state. Punishment could mean a fine or up to 180 days in jail.
This order has been issued through April 30. School buildings must remain closed through May 4 and students should continue remote learning in the meantime.
We are waiting for an announcement from Round Rock ISD.
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