5 Questions with Will Peckham

Happy Friday Round Rock!  In an effort to get to know more about the people who make Round Rock such a great place to live, I am starting a new series called “5 Questions With….” Each week, I will be asking a few questions of interesting people of Round Rock – people who work hard behind the scenes, people who strive to make our city great, people who make fun events & places possible in our city, and just cool folks you need to know! So join us each Friday morning for…..

5 questions - Peckham

5 Questions with Will Peckham

Will Peckham is the owner of one of Round Rock Travel and is the Place 4 Round Rock City Councilman.  Will grew up in Round Rock and his passion for our city is obvious when you see all that he is involved in on a city level. Thanks for taking the time to answer these for us, Will.

What do you like most about Round Rock?

The people and how they have a can do attitude to make our community better.

What is your favorite memory of Round Rock?

The dedication of the pioneer women a the Chisholm Trail Park. It is important to our family because we wanted to give something back to Round Rock, so my Father donated the statue in my Mother’s honor on Mother’s Day.

What’s your favorite meal to eat out in Round Rock?

One of the daily specials at Jack Allen’s Kitchen.

As a Round Rock council member, what are your proudest accomplishments?

Working with the other Council members to bring all the great project approved by the voters in 2013 bond to fruition.

What do you like to do to relax?

Getting together with friends and playing a game of 42.


Will Peckham was elected to Place 4 in May 2014. Will is a product of the Round Rock ISD system, graduating from Westwood High School in 1989. He attended Texas A&M University and graduated with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Agriculture Education. After his college years, Will moved back to Round Rock, and currently owns and operates Round Rock Travel with his family.

He married Nikki and enlarged their family to 4 children; Bradley, Haley, Jason and Melanie. Over the years Will has been involved in many community and civic organizations. He is a graduate of Leadership Round Rock and the Ascend Leadership Program along with being named 2011 Round Rock Chamber Member of the Year.

Will has also been past president of the Round Rock Rotary Club and the Williamson A&M Club. Currently he sits on the YMCA Board of Greater Williamson County, Williamson County A&M Club Board, Whitlow Task Force for Capitol Idea and is a member of the Round Rock Rotary Club. Other boards and commissions he has sat on in the past the Round Rock Chamber Board of Directors, the City of Round Rock Ethics and Planning and Zoning Commission, and the 2013 Williamson County Bond Advisory Committee.


More from our 5 Questions with… series

Mayor Alan McGraw
Mays Street Boutique’s Sandy Deli
Round Rock Councilman Will Peckham
Penfold Theatre’s Ryan Crowder
Kaleidoscope Toys’s Terry Myers
Round Rock Express’s Steve Richards
Round Rock Express’s Spike
Sweet Love & Sugar Britches’ Julia Broadway
Round Rock Express’s Laura Fragoso
Trashy Roots’ Anna Craig

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